natural lawns VS portland artificial grass

natural lawns VS portland artificial grass

Natural Lawn vs. Artificial Grass: Which is Better?

Many people would argue that natural is always better, whether it is food, personal care products, or even medication. When it comes to lawn, however, the natural option is not always the winner. In fact, most homeowners in Portland prefer artificial grass.

Portland enjoys an average of 44 inches of rain every year, which beats the US average of 39 inches. Homeowners with natural turf know that rainwater is good for their grassy lawn. However, too much of it can create a muddy mess.

If you always have to clean whenever soiled paws and shoes come into your home, the solution may be to switch to artificial grass. Unlike live lawn, artificial grass in Portland, Oregon helps eliminate all the worries about chemical overflow after using fertilizers and other chemicals on your lawn.

If you have used natural grass all your life, you are probably wondering whether or not it is time to make the switch. Before you hurry to have the turf installed, it is essential to weigh things first. Here are some considerations to think about before going artificial:

It is Expensive

Natural grass is always ready for you to use. You can plant seeds, which is little to no expense if you already have them. If you want to spend a little bit more money, you can lay sod. You only have to let the grass grow.

On the other hand, artificial grass costs at least $15 for every square foot. Therefore, if you have over 1,000 square feet of space, you will end up paying more than $15,000. This amount does not even include other expenses.

Maintenance is Still Needed

On the maintenance side for live grass, you may have to purchase equipment and tools for trimming, mowing, or weeding. Other costs go to feeding the grass and re-seeding.

Contrary to popular belief, having an artificial lawn does not mean you do not have to maintain it. While you will no longer mow the fake grass, you still have to clean. Rinsing is required occasionally to get rid of odors and dust. It may not be real grass but it needs raking too so the blades remain fluffy and stand upright.

If you live in an area with a few trees, you will have to pick the fallen leaves up or blow them away, along with other organic clutter. Still, cleaning is much less than keeping real grass, which requires maintenance every week.

Artificial Grass Gets Hot

Synthetic grass is mostly made of nylon or a type of polymer that looks and feels great. However, if you have south-facing windows, the beautiful grass you have always dreamed of will melt. Pets may love running around but it can be painful on their paws when it gets too much sun.

Perhaps the good news is that Portland rarely gets too hot. The weather may be warm and dry at times but the temperature is still comfortable. If your lawn is not in the shade, artificial turf may not be for you. A talented designing team though can find a solution for it.

They Can Look Too Fake

Some lawns require two rolls of turf but they can look unappealing. To avoid this problem, they should be matched and seamed well together. Most homeowners though choose to DIY, which makes matters worse. If you hire an inexperienced landscaper, you will produce the same result.

Meanwhile, high-quality synthetic grass can look even better than real grass. With the help of the designer, it will be strategically placed in your lawn. As your neighbors’ grass turns brown and yellow, yours will still look immaculate. Whether it is winter or summer, it will stay the same right from the start – and for the next several years.

Kids and Pets Love it

The grass looks irresistible for pets and children alike. Parents do not have to worry about the turf’s safety. With real grass, you have to use pesticides and fertilizers. It can also be the source of allergies in the household, as well as bacteria. Natural grass can also invite rodents and other vermin.

On the other hand, synthetic grass provides relief for parents who do not want any chemicals on the playing surfaces of their kids. Some may argue that it is not as soft as what other people claim it to be but artificial grass is more comfortable than the real one. Mishaps can happen anytime but you can stay worry-free since your kids will not land on a hard surface.

Additionally, allergic reactions are not a common issue with synthetic grass unlike with the natural version. Pets can run around without scratching your immaculate lawn. Synthetic grass also easily stands up to any type of waste from the animals.

Your Lawn will be the Talk of Your Neighborhood

Anyone who passes by will take a second glance at your lawn. The truth is technology is not just for your appliances and handheld gadgets. It is also applied on synthetic grass. Therefore, it is not surprising to see fake grass that looks authentic. Variegated blades are comparable to real grass blades, making the passersby question how you do it.

You do not need irrigation for it, so you can place it anywhere. The grass is consistently green and soft without other problems, such as bugs and weeds. Even better, you do not use as much water as you used to. For most homeowners with an 800-square foot lawn, they can consume an average of 150,000 gallons of water annually.

Think about how much water you can save, along with the costs that go with it when you switch to artificial turf products.

What Can It Be Used For?
Some great uses for synthetic lawns include the following:
  • grass lawns
  • putting green
  • living spaces
  • playground grass
  • sports surfaces

Which Turf is Better?

Both have their advantages and drawbacks. However, there is a reason why many Portland homeowners prefer artificial turf over the natural one. If you want grass that looks immaculate all year round with few maintenance requirements, artificial grass may be for you. Meanwhile, if you do not mind regular mowing, a traditional lawn may still be an option.

Whichever you choose, a landscape designer will help save you time and the stress of handling all the grass installation details.

If you are looking for Portland artificial grass installation, consider us:

Baez Sports Group | Artificial Grass Portland
4223 SE 57th Ave
Portland OR 97206
(503) 662-8873

Artificial Grass Portland

Baez Grass Portland Oregon
artificial turf Portland

If you have a residential or commercial property in Portland, Oregon and you want to give your landscaping a unique, easy to maintain, look, consider having artificial turf installed. It offers a wide range of excellent benefits. It’s no longer just for retirement community homes, sports fields and mini-golf facilities. It can make the landscaping of homes and businesses look great. Families and business people have been increasingly using it over the past decade or more. The style and quality of turf has come a long way since it was introduced decades ago.

Reasons To Choose Artificial Turf

Looks Very Attractive

Few landscape elements look as attractive as the high quality artificial turf available today. Many people find its brilliant green color and uniform appearance breathtaking. It can help to bring out the beauty of all the other landscape elements that surround it. Properly installed artificial grass can improve a property’s curb appeal and its value. Plus, it can turn heads and have the neighbors green with envy.

Low Maintenance

One reason property owners in Portland, Oregon opt for synthetic turf products is because they are low maintenance. Once it’s put in place there’s no mowing, fertilizing, aerating, dethatching or watering. Plus, if it gets dirty, it can be quickly blown off and look as good as new. Older people prefer it because it takes very little time or energy to clean it. All they need is a rake and a blower to get it looking spic and span even if they host a holiday party for family and friends. That’s part of the reason a growing number of homeowners from coast-to-coast choose it over natural grass.

Environmentally Friendly

The eco-friendly setting synthetic grass creates can help home and business owners reduce their carbon footprint. Unlike natural grass, it doesn’t need toxic pesticides, fertilizers or weed killers to keep it healthy. Plus, it’s always safe for children and pets to play. There are many exceptionally eco-friendly types of turf that are made from recycled materials and don’t contribute to the waste in landfills. People can also recycle their turf when they are ready to change it in 5 to 10 years. Because artificial grass products never grow, you never need to use gas or electricity to trim or mow it.


It can stand up to the rough and tumble treatment of kids playgrounds, teens playing sports or golf enthusiasts using it as a putting green. While natural grass would quickly get chewed up and look unsightly, it will continue to be neat, smooth and even no matter if it’s trampled on by guests at a gathering, rampaging children or friends and family members who use your yard to have fun playing soccer, football or any other sport.


No matter what you use your outdoor space to do, synthetic turf is still the perfect surface for it. Whether you want a children’s playground with swings and slides, a putting green to practice your strokes, a pet play area or a place to relax on your lawn chairs, sip a cool, refreshing, drink and fire up the grill, it works well. In can be installed in both large and small areas and can stand up to wear and tear year after year and still look great.


For people with sensitive skin and fertilizer allergies, synthetic lawns are great choice because it’s free of the chemical treatments that make it uncomfortable for them to lay on and roll around on grass lawns. Artificial turf will allow them to comfortably stretch out, relax and have fun.

No Mud Or Dirt

Another reason people choose artificial turf over natural grass is the bald spots that begin to appear with regular use. Over time water puddles, dirt and mud collects in the bald spots and produce muck that can get clothes and play equipment dirty. Mud and dirt also cause problems with slips and falls that can cause children and adults to get injured. Water doesn’t collect on it and this reduces the chances of people losing their footing, careening into pieces of furniture or play equipment and getting hurt or covered in mud.

No Grass Stains On Clothes

Grass stains on the clothes of children and adults can be a huge problem and expense for people with grass lawns. It eliminates that problem and frees kids to sit, slide and roll around without having to worry about grass stains that are near impossible to remove from their clothes. Even with the new, more powerful, laundry detergents grass stained clothes must be pre-treated and getting them clean can be a real hassle. It also prevents clothes from getting those stubborn green spots that can ruin them.

Saves Money

Once property owners pay to get Portland artificial grass installation done, they don’t have to worry about paying to have weeds removed, getting the grass cut and fertilized, removing dead grass, patching bald spots or any of the other common ways people are forced to spend money to keep their grass looking green and healthy. For most property owners installing artificial turf means they can go as long as 10 years before they have to worry about its looks fading. That can mean a significant savings year after year.

Turf Is A Wise Investment

Many people rave about what a wise investment they made having artificial grass installed. They get to enjoy its beauty, durability, comfort and convenience for years on end. They children and guests love the soft feel of the  turf and it enables them to get more use out of their outdoor space all year round. Plus, it can improve the value of their property should they decide to sell it. It also improves the look of their landscaping and the property’s curb appeal. It’s no wonder people in Portland, Oregon and all over the country are replacing their natural grass with attractive, durable, easy to maintain turf.

For more information, Contact us below:

Baez Sports Group | Artificial Grass Portland
4223 SE 57th Ave
Portland OR 97206
(503) 662-8873

Artificial Turf Portland